Important Issues

Michael Capalbo’s Focus Areas

Crime Prevention

One of the key services I offer is a robust commitment to crime prevention. This involves strategic planning and implementing effective policies to ensure the safety and well-being of our community. My approach includes collaborating with local law enforcement agencies, engaging with community members to understand their concerns, and utilizing data-driven methods to identify and address potential threats. By fostering strong relationships with community organizations and stakeholders, I aim to create a comprehensive safety plan that not only addresses immediate issues but also promotes long-term security and peace of mind for all residents.



I am dedicated to making New York more affordable for all residents by advocating for policies that reduce financial burdens and improve the overall quality of life. My focus includes lowering taxes for middle and working-class families, making housing more affordable, and ensuring access to quality healthcare and education. I will also support small businesses by providing tax incentives and reducing regulatory hurdles, fostering a business-friendly environment that encourages job creation.

Improving public transportation and infrastructure is another priority, as it can reduce commute times and lower transportation costs. Promoting renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency will lower utility bills and contribute to environmental sustainability. My vision for New York is a state where everyone can enjoy a high quality of life, regardless of socioeconomic status, by creating more equitable and prosperous communities.

Local Zoning

New York State Democrats are advocating to override local zoning laws to enforce minimum housing construction ordinances and eliminate single-family zoning laws. This change would permit the construction of large apartment buildings and high-density housing developments in established family neighborhoods. Such a move could drastically alter the character and livability of these communities, potentially leading to overcrowding, increased traffic, and a strain on local resources and infrastructure.

I am totally against this proposal because it undermines the autonomy of local municipalities and disregards the unique needs and preferences of each community. Local zoning laws have been carefully developed over time to reflect the values, priorities, and specific circumstances of the residents. Imposing state-mandated zoning changes removes the ability of local governments to make nuanced decisions that best serve their communities. It is essential that zoning decisions remain in the hands of those who are most familiar with the community’s dynamics and long-term goals.

I strongly support local municipalities controlling their own zoning laws. Local leaders and residents have a more intimate understanding of their community’s needs and can make informed decisions that promote sustainable and balanced development. Preserving local control over zoning ensures that growth and development are aligned with the community’s vision and priorities, maintaining the quality of life that residents value. I will continue to advocate for policies that empower local governments and resist state overreach that threatens the character and integrity of our neighborhoods.


Schools play a crucial role in shaping the future of our society by teaching students essential knowledge, fostering independent thinking, and providing them with the tools necessary to reach their full potential. An effective education system goes beyond mere academic instruction; it nurtures critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities, equipping students to navigate the complexities of the modern world. By emphasizing a well-rounded education, we can ensure that students are not only well-versed in core subjects but also capable of thinking independently and making informed decisions.

As stewards of our children’s future, it is our responsibility to ensure they are prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. This preparation involves instilling traditional American values such as integrity, respect, and responsibility, which are foundational to a cohesive and thriving society. These values, combined with critical life skills such as effective communication, collaboration, and adaptability, form the bedrock of a student’s personal and professional development. By integrating these elements into the educational curriculum, we can cultivate individuals who are not only knowledgeable but also ethical and engaged citizens.

Moreover, the importance of critical life skills cannot be overstated in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world. Schools must equip students with practical skills that will serve them throughout their lives, such as financial literacy, digital competency, and emotional intelligence. These skills are essential for personal growth, career success, and the ability to contribute positively to society. By ensuring that students receive a comprehensive education that encompasses both traditional values and modern competencies, we can foster a generation of well-rounded individuals ready to make meaningful contributions to their communities and the world at large.


Investing in infrastructure and supporting small businesses are critical strategies for boosting the economy and creating new job opportunities. Infrastructure improvements, such as modernizing transportation systems, expanding broadband access, and upgrading utilities, lay the foundation for economic growth by making it easier for businesses to operate and for workers to commute. These projects generate immediate employment opportunities in construction and related industries, while also enhancing the long-term economic potential of our communities. Supporting small businesses is equally important, as they are the backbone of the economy and a significant source of job creation. By providing financial assistance, reducing regulatory burdens, and offering resources for entrepreneurial growth, we can help small businesses thrive. These enterprises often bring innovation and competition to the market, driving economic dynamism and resilience. As small businesses grow and succeed, they create a ripple effect, stimulating local economies and contributing to broader economic stability. Fostering innovation and providing incentives for industries to grow ensures sustainable economic development and increased employment rates. Encouraging research and development, investing in new technologies, and supporting start-ups can lead to the creation of high-quality jobs and the emergence of new industries. Incentives such as tax breaks, grants, and subsidies can attract investments and spur growth in key sectors. By adopting these measures, we can build a robust and diversified economy that is well-positioned for future challenges and opportunities.
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